Cheektowaga-Omni Launch Fundraiser for Debut Socio-Cultural Movie “My Name Is Brad”


January 11, 2021: Cheektowaga-Omni, a production, media, and marketing company has today announced its foray into film making with the production of a socially conscious movie, “My Name is Brad”. The company hopes to engage the public and has started fundraising, soliciting support from keen donors and people who value movies with a cultural and socially significant theme.

The prevailing atmosphere in the USA makes it ripe for movies like My Name is Brad to be an eye-opener for a public swayed by bigotry and misinformation. Moreover, homelessness is a growing issue that is affecting many people.

“My Name is Brad” narrates the story of a young middle class suburban white man who struggles through University, only to end up deluded, and living on the streets. He watches his promise die, like so many North American youth today.

Cheektowaga-Omni is a production and media marketing company that was established as a tie up between Cheektowaga Music and Omni creative group Cheektowaga Music was formed by prolific musician, music, entertainment producer and, performer “Little” Herbert in 1986. Cheektowaga-Omni is in the process of reactivating a dormant Analogue TV station in Northern Washington State, with the collaboration of This initiative reflects their commitment to blending traditional media with modern technology, offering diverse content ranging from music production to online piano lessons and beyond.

The movie My Name is Brad being produced by Cheektowaga-Omni is in memory of Kelly Thomas, who was killed by members of the Fullerton police dept in 2011. Cheektowaga-Omni has launched fundraising efforts to support the movie and plans are afoot to launch a kick-starter and a web page in support of My name is Brad. Additionally, they are exploring event ticketing options to enhance the film’s reach and impact. Furthermore, in support of the movie, Cheektowaga-Omni is looking into concert AV hire services. For more information and updates on the production, check out this helpful resources at For more – click here.

Cheektowaga – Omni media is based in Kelowna BC, with studios located in Abbotsford BC and Vancouver BC.

For more information: See our position on Slated.

Media contact

Dale Corrigan

Cheektowaga – Omni Creative Group



Homelessness During COVID – Disaster Amplified


In any given year, there are about 235,000 Canadians that suffer from homelessness. That’s about 0.625% of the total population, a statistically “small” minority, which is, unfortunately, seeing its woes compounded due to winter and COVID.  

Homeless people rely on shelters to provide them a place to sleep and stay, especially during the cold winter nights when staying outside or in a makeshift shelter can be deadly disastrous. So it’s only logical that the shelters try to accommodate as many people as possible.

But that’s impossible due to COVID cases spreading. To mitigate the probability of transmission, shelters have reduced the number of people they take in. Needless to say, this is a significant blow to the homeless population of the country because during the second wave, more and more people are seeking shelter and less space is available. The lifting of the eviction ban has also added fuel to the fire.

To make matters worse, some shelter homes are being forced to close down or have been working at reduced capacity because the staff and residents have contracted the virus.

People are aware of the problem and are doing what little they can to remediate the situation like staging protests and urging the government to ramp up support. And shelters are using glass dividers in between beds to reduce the probability of transmission in close confines.

We can draw inspiration from international solutions, such as accommodating homeless populations in unused hotels and providing necessary amenities like hvac units. Also a reliable ac repair service can help create safe, comfortable environments and mitigate the possibility of transmission. And when relocating, securing an efficient ac repair service can ensure that your new home’s cooling system is in top condition, preventing any unexpected issues and maintaining comfort during the move. If you’re looking for a reliable UV air purifier, you’ll find several options, including new york uv air purifier, to enhance your home’s air quality. Water heater maintenance should also be done to keep them and the volunteers comfortable.

This Is Not Racist?

If this picture is offensive to you, donate 1$.  If a billion dollar a year company can produce top notch commercials to present their product to the public, that same company should put as much emphasis on it’s personnel’s education.

Said company is quite good at educating mass populations into their stores with the promise of a better life.  The reality is harsh.

This is an experiment to assess how many people still find this image unsettling.  And along with your dollar, please leave a comment as to why this image is offensive.



A WalMart employee celebrating Hallowe’en in Blackface.

Hello Out There

You wonder sometimes if there is really anybody out there? Do you ever get that feeling that there is, I know I do – and in these days and times it seems not even God is enough or rather faith in God. Are we alone in this vast Universe have we turned our backs on God or has God turned it’s back on us. Mankind professes to know so much, The Big Bang , went from a “theory” to a factoid even-though there is no real way to prove or disprove that theory.

So here we are in 2018 staring down an unknown but a seemingly apocalyptic future, man wants to be the creator of his own Universe. There is no insurance policy that protects this Earth in case of destruction. There is only faith, you either have it or you don’t, if you don’t have faith there is a certain emptiness that pervades your every waking moment.

If I had known what I know now then would I have chosen the same path? Was a life of unrighteousness worth the pain of the memory of so much gone wrong and spoiled bad and rotten. Losing ones faith to mediocrity and popular-ism seeking fame and fortune leads to the same 6 foot hole that a nameless vagrant lies in with no headstone.

We humans are so smart we can demand that it be as we say or we will make it so, and like Children arguing with a parent we think we get our way until we realize that we don’t. It was a smart creator that put the things in the Universes so far out of reach – when God thinks mankind is ready we will be free of the bonds of Earth, free to roam the stars and with Gods blessing.


The Population Problem

The elephant in the closet that everybody knows is there but won’t mention. So many of our problems would be diminished if we practiced population control. But not just the white people, all people.


America is becoming cramped and crowded. Unfortunately along with the crowd comes social illness, which grows exponentially – America needs to reduce it’s population and dial back dependency causing electronics or limit usage and access to people of a certain intelligence level.

Penny Procession Produces Precise Profit Projections Pundit Predicts


The Canadian Penny [RIP]

February 4th, 2013 – a day of infamy as Canada loses it’s copper companion …

Do you ever have days where you wake up, already feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired, and find you are running out of the bargain basement tea or coffee – and to boot you can’t even scrounge together the coin to get another jar, never mind upgrading to a premium blend.

Now, courtesy of our forward-thinking financier elite (who are probably so choked up with currency conundrums that the old “cup o’ joe” doesn’t hit that sacred spot) we no longer have that LCD – the lowest common denominator, the penny.

Part of me (the fractionally crazy part) says – hey great, i don’t know how many times my inner math computer has been defaulting on it’s reasoning functions because of a redundant 1,1,1,1,1, type singularity on the event horizon. What that translates into is that the copper (and especially copper oxidized green) tint to what some would call “the high point of the day – a good cup of tea or coffee” seems to be awash in auburn metallurgical particulates – some may see them as ingredients in a quantum chemical bath that goes into – invisible to all but an alien scientist – our liquid intakes.

What are we going to do with all that copper now that it’s out of the larger socio-economic corpus (sounds like someone was trying to exterminate the little beggars – pun not intended, i’ll say 2 acts of contrition.) Immediately one could say that the melted down copper could go a long way to subsidize Canada’s well-known telecommunications industry…but then you realize everyone’s talking about Wire-Fibre – just as silicate a syndicate as the microchips which cause us to decide on crazy oracular life issues from economics, social-networking, what kind of tattoo to get, among other decisions once left to soothsayers …

All in all it’s nice to surmise that someone out there isn’t going to get the average person to reinforce his averageness through creation of percentile calculations – are we beginning to find that having a nickel as a lowest common denominator may intimate that “Pi” the longest non-repeating repeating number is getting closer to a “zero point” (ya, ya i know we missed the end of McKenna’s *(RIP) TimeWave Zero on December 12th last year – i’ll send a postcard from the edge.

Overall i’m hoping that the ecology of muddy money, perhaps rooted in grudgery and drudgery will begin to shine clear as that silver backed beaver …


Cheemo to you, cup of Joe!

– James

A Cup Of Coffee

One of those favorites for the hard-pressed creative type; morning, noon and night.