Hello Out There

You wonder sometimes if there is really anybody out there? Do you ever get that feeling that there is, I know I do – and in these days and times it seems not even God is enough or rather faith in God. Are we alone in this vast Universe have we turned our backs on God or has God turned it’s back on us. Mankind professes to know so much, The Big Bang , went from a “theory” to a factoid even-though there is no real way to prove or disprove that theory.

So here we are in 2018 staring down an unknown but a seemingly apocalyptic future, man wants to be the creator of his own Universe. There is no insurance policy that protects this Earth in case of destruction. There is only faith, you either have it or you don’t, if you don’t have faith there is a certain emptiness that pervades your every waking moment.

If I had known what I know now then would I have chosen the same path? Was a life of unrighteousness worth the pain of the memory of so much gone wrong and spoiled bad and rotten. Losing ones faith to mediocrity and popular-ism seeking fame and fortune leads to the same 6 foot hole that a nameless vagrant lies in with no headstone.

We humans are so smart we can demand that it be as we say or we will make it so, and like Children arguing with a parent we think we get our way until we realize that we don’t. It was a smart creator that put the things in the Universes so far out of reach – when God thinks mankind is ready we will be free of the bonds of Earth, free to roam the stars and with Gods blessing.


B.C. man not guilty of welfare fraud

Vanderhoof – A man accused of stealing $50,000 in welfare money may have been living as “buddies with benefits” with another man, but a BC judge has ruled there was no proof that the two men were living in a common-law relationship.

The finding was key to provincial court Judge Darrell O’Byrne’s decision to throw out a fraud charge against Gordon Street of Vanderhoof.

Street was charged over accusations he received too much social assistance money, with the Crown arguing he failed to disclose he was in a common-law relationship with another man.

Street collected $50,000 over a period of five years beginning in 2001.

In September 2001, Street said he was single and never married on his assistance review, although he claimed to be living with someone at least twice while making claims for financial help.