Manitoba Indigent Resources


Here is a list of resources for homeless people in the Winnipeg area. Inside, you will find links to food, shelter, and other information. Please suggest a link.


Main Street Project, Inc.
provides crisis, shelter, transitional housing, Detox, and detention area for intoxicated persons.
Contact: (204) 982-8260

provides emergency shelter and counseling services for runaway youth.
Contact: (204) 586-2588

Women’s Shelters

Native Women’s Transition Centre
is a community-based, 21 bed facility providing support and services to Aboriginal women and children. Program and service philosophy is to strengthen and support Native women who have experienced victimization to become self-sufficient.
Contact: (204) 989-8240

Ikwe-Widdjiitiwin is a crisis shelter that provides safe accommodation, supportive counselling and advocacy to abused Aboriginal women and their children. Other services include a non-residential program and 24 hour provincial crisis line counselling.
Contact: (204) 987-2780

Agape Table Inc. serves the needs of the hungry in the inner city of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Contact: 204-786-2370

Powerhouse Winnipeg is a non-profit community organization that provides emergency and support services to street involved youth aged 16-29. We operate a drop-in center where we offer peer support, referrals, advocacy, a free store (clothing, blankets, shoes etc), outreach, Internet, laundry facilities, food, an on site Public Health Nurse (one afternoon a week), and telephone access for job and housing searches.
Contact: 204-953-1310

Siloam Mission is a faith-based agency that serves 500 – 900 poor and homeless a day, at no cost or preconditions through its: meal program, food bank, clothing bank, counseling, emergency shelter, agency referrals, employment-training programs (with paid positions), health centre (which provides primary care, dental, physiotherapy, massage & chiropractic, footcare, and health education), income tax preparations, a 12 step recovery program, addictions meetings & groups, access to phone, postal mail service, a book program, optional spiritual services, haircuts, etc.
Contact: 204-956-4344

additional resources for Winnipeg found at
Resource Assistance for Youth
